
The artist used Greek literature on many occasions in his career, and does so again here. The scene we can see here is of Medea providing a magic potion for Jason, so that he can successfully complete a task given to him by her father, Aeëtes. It is part of a private collection.


The signature elements of Waterhouse's paintings is all present and correct - besides the mythology there is also the light skinned muse dressed beautifully in a flowing dress, whilst the two figures sit on carefully crafted classical furniture.

She has a concentrated facial expression as she carefully prepares her gift to Jason. He sits patiently whilst she fills his cup, dressed in traditional clothing for a Greek soldier.

The figures are sat outside, perhaps on a small patio garden, hence the stonework. There is a spread of plants across the back of the scene which helps to block out most of the light from the bright sky, which avoids an over-saturation of the colours in the foreground.

Jason wears traditional protection in his role as a soldier, with helmet and leg defences. His toga is blue, with a red belt or waistband. He looks strong and toned, suitable for a Waterhouse artwork in which slender bodies were normally used, both for men and women.

Medea concentrates on her golden tanker, which is beautifully decorated with jewels. She slowly pours from a pot, preparing the drink for Jason, who looks on patiently. Behind them, there is a bushy environment which creates a private, secluded spot in which the two figures are alone together.

Even in a relatively simple composition, we find many examples of Waterhouse's strong technical skills here, with portraiture, drapery, architectural painting and a knowledge of mythology and poetry all playing a part.


There is a certain innocence to the style of paintings found within the Pre-Raphaelite movement which retains a great following within the UK and elsewhere in pockets of Europe and North America.

Waterhouse himself was on the fringes of this group due to the timing of his career, but his work is clearly in line with the other notable members such as Burne-Jones, Holman Hunt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and John Everett Millais


Medea is seen as a sorceress in most of the stories in which she appears, which is the case here as well as she puts together a complex potion to aid Jason. Jason himself appeared as the leader of the Argonauts and was famously seeking the Golden Fleece.

Jason would later marry Medea, making the painting here something of a romantic scene too. Waterhouse was frequently drawn to the key figures of literature, both ancient and more recent, and our paintings section provides a full list of his best work.

Large Image of Jason and Medea

See below for a larger picture of the original work, Jason and Medea. This should bring out more of the detail, included the clothing of both figures. The garden furniture on which they sit is also beautifully done, with sculptured claws appearing from the right hand side. Those appear again elsewhere as the artist continued with this look, which was inspired by ancient Rome.

Jason and Medea in Detail John William Waterhouse Jason and Medea