Acquiring John William Waterhouse Prints

Within this article we have recommended three specific prints, but Waterhouse himself produced many hundreds of artworks across his career.

Those looking to purchase one might benefit from our paintings section, in which a comprehensive list can be found, potentially revealing new ones that you had not come across before. With so many of his artworks now in private collections, it may be impossible to view some of these items in person.

JW Waterhouse is a highly popular artist, and so most major art print retailers will include his work within their product range.

Most of his paintings were relatively small, and so any art print reproductions should be of a similar size, certainly below 80cm in width. Waterhouse allowed the beauty of his female models to take centrestage, whilst incorporating some charming detail alongside.

Selecting from Waterhouse's Large Oeuvre

Waterhouse the artist left behind several hundred artworks from his career, most of which now remain within private collections.

The Pre-Raphaelites for many years were not afforded the same respect by academics as other artistic movements, meaning that many of the larger museums and galleries did not acquire their work.

Today, however, the public greatily admire many of these paintings and so interest in prints of their work is commonplace. Our paintings and drawings sections feature most of Waterhouse's output, and is the best place to start for those looking to find the right print for their home.

His style was particularly consistent throughout, as was his content, and so most will either like or dislike the majority of his work, depending on their artistic taste.

In recent years there have been several new publications which have helped us to collate his career works more comprehensively, offering alternative print choices for fans of JW Waterhouse. Many will also find related works of interest from other artists, with members of the Realist and Academic art movements tackling similar topics to some of the Pre-Raphaelite artists.

The Artist's Inspiration

The feminine touch found within the career of John William Waterhouse, as well as many related artists, had proven particularly popular with art fans. People long for the old days, when things were simple and minds were pure.

The addition of the countryside, or at least elements of British gardens, gives his work a truly peaceful atmosphere that would suit most homes decor. Whilst others may prefer the abruptness and immediacy of modern art, there is still a great love from many for more traditional artists such as this.

Related Artists

Beyond his obvious connections to the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, you may also be interested in discovering Edouard Manet prints, with this French impressionist producing many scenes in and around gardens and landcapes.

Related in content, if not style or medium, was Alphonse Mucha whose prints are also highly regarded and tend to be well suited to his illustrative style which took this type of content into a new direction.

Artists connected to the British Pre-Raphaelite movement of the mid 19th century have always been sought after for reproductions. The female portraiture continues to attract new fans, from those looking for something alternative to the abstraction of modern art.

Female Form within Art

The beauty of the female form was captured by artists like Waterhouse using professional models repeatedly. This method has been around for many centuries, well before even the Renaissance artists like Botticelli.

The use of literature and mythology as themes behind his work have also added an extra element of interest to Waterhouse's most famous paintings. This combination of theme and style have produced a charm in the artist's work which can still be discovered today.

Reputation-wise, Waterhouse benefits from how his original paintings are distributed all across the world, maximising the numbers who come across his work through exhibitions and permanent collections.

Pre-Raphaelite Exhibitions

The UK hosts annual Pre-Raphaelite exhibitions which continue to promote the work of artists like Waterhouse, Holman Hunt and Rossetti. Such venues will also do a great a trade in reproduction prints directly outside each exhibition. Classical art such as this is best suited to simple, elegant frames with an inlay matting to add space between the frame and the artwork.

Lady of Shalott prints are by far the most reproduced of Waterhouse's artworks, though several others are also popular. You may find a consistency between the content of his work and other Pre-Raphaelites, such as poetry in the case of Lady of Shalott.

John William Waterhouse Print Recommendations

We have selected three specific suggestions below, from the many hundreds of stunning artworks created by Waterhouse across his highly successful career. We believe that The Soul of the Rose, Fair Rosamund and I Am Half-Sick of Shadows said the Lady of Shalott perfectly capture the essence of the artist, with female portraits and historical settings.

The Soul of the Rose in Detail John William Waterhouse The Soul of the Rose

Fair Rosamund in Detail John William Waterhouse Fair Rosamund

I Am Half-Sick of Shadows said the Lady of Shalott in Detail John William Waterhouse I Am Half-Sick of Shadows said the Lady of Shalott