Paul Gauguin had a very similar style to Vincent Van Gogh since they were very close friends. This explains why the Wood Tankard and Metal Pitcher painting features similar undertones to several works by Van Gogh. Regardless, Paul Gauguin still had a unique and characteristic style which he used in this painting. The painting is made using oil on a 54 by 65 cm linen canvas. In this piece, Paul Gauguin portrays the wood tankard and metal pitcher in a way that accentuates each object's way of reflecting light. He does this in an attempt to bring viewers to focus on each item individually. Like most Paul Gauguin paintings, the Wood Tankard and Metal Pitcher display bold experimentation with color. This use of color has influenced modern art in the 20th century and beyond.
Through this painting, Gauguin pushed his artistic approaches in new directions. His inspiration for creating this painting was bringing new focus and meaning to everyday items that would otherwise go unnoticed. The wood tankard and the metal picture were some of the most common household items at the time. His affinity for art allowed him to bring out the picture subjects so clearly that they wouldn't go unnoticed. It is worth mentioning that the painting was made after Paul had transitioned from the Collosiolism style to the French Post-Impressionist painting style. Paul Gauguin created several other Still Life paintings like Moss Roses in a Basket, Horses Heard, Chinese Peonies and Mandoline, and Carafon and Gigurine, among several other pictures. These paintings are hosted in various museums across the world, and some remain in the private Paul Gauguin collection.
The original painting currently sits at the Art Institute of Chicago. The picture was initially part of an exhibition in Paris, the North Carolina's Reynolda House Museum of American Art, Florida, Netherlands, Singapore, and Copenhagen. It is safe to say that the painting has moved around quite a lot since the early 1940s. Critics have hailed this work of art all over the world. Art enthusiasts also love the fact that Paul used contrasting materials in the painting. He did this to show viewers that things do not have to be similar to create beauty. The background of the picture also contrasted significantly with the subject.